Monday, November 14, 2011

#9 Clothes & #10- Bathing Suit

Looking back on my list, reasons 9 and 10 feel a little frivolous now, but I recognize that the things that seem silly today were pretty devastating a year and a half ago...

#9- Clothes
I had avoided shopping for a long time because I felt like it was impossible to find clothes that fit me properly.  I got so tired of putting on clothes and feeling like nothing looked right.  Two summers ago, I needed an outfit for a job interview, so my mom took me shopping.  I had in my mind that I wanted a dressy suit, but none of them fit well.  I can't tell you how many outfits I tried on that day!  It was horrible.  When I had to pull size 12s and even a size 14 off the rack, it felt like a smack in the face.  I had been getting pretty snug in my size 10s but had made myself believe it wasn't that bad.  So, we bought the size 14 pants, but I knew I had to do something about my weight.
 #10- Bathing Suit-
Around the same time as the "pants fiasco", Ryan and I were planning to attend a pool party.  I needed a new bathing suit because, in disgust, I had thrown out all of my two piece suits from my honeymoon, resigning to the thought that I would never fit in them again.  So,  Ryan was sweet enough to go shopping with me and we found what I thought was a very cute black and white polka dot tankini.  The bottom looked like a little skirt and covered up everything that needed to be covered.  We got to the party and I was feeling OK about my new bathing suit, until an older, heavy woman came into the pool...she had the EXACT same style of bathing suit on as I did.  I felt so embarrassed, I just wanted to disappear. I was only 23 years old and I was wearing an "old lady" bathing suit.  A few weeks later, I made the choice to join weight watchers.

I was never one of those girls that was super stylish or into fashion.  Even though I spent most of my teenage years in jeans, moccasins and weird T-shirts from Goodwill, I do like clothes and how good it feels to wear a new outfit.  I had gone a long time without feeling good in my clothes because I was just trying to cover everything up!  It felt really good when I was able to buy jeans that were a size 8!  The day I bought a size 6 felt even better.  Not just because it was a smaller size, but because I knew all of the ridiculously hard work I had put into fitting into that size 6.  It's not really about the bathing suit, or the clothing, but I joined weight watchers, in part, because I was tired of those bad feelings.  I wanted to try on clothes and have it be fun again...and it is!

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