Tuesday, October 4, 2011

#3- Energy

Carrying around 158 pounds on a 5' 3" frame made me feel exhausted.  I was tired- all.the.time.  I got so tired of never feeling like I had enough energy to do anything, well...except eat (surprise, surprise!).  I was tired of looking overweight, but I was definitely tired of feeling overweight.  Not only was I physically fatigued, but I was on an emotional roller coaster ride every day.  I chalked up my frenzied emotions to work, hormones, having a dramatic personality, whatever...but at the end of every day, I felt overwhelmingly worn out.

I knew that if I made healthy choices, I would have more energy.  We all KNOW these things...eat less, move more, lose weight; but if the choice was between extra energy or cheesecake, well...we know who won that battle. 

When I joined Weight Watchers, I definitely went in with the hope that I could lose the weight by changing my diet only, without having to exercise.  I even lost the first 10% of my weight without exercising.  The night I hit my 10%, I rewarded myself by purchasing the Weight Watchers "Punch" DVD.  I did that DVD a few times a week until my cousin invited me to Jazzercise with her.  My first Jazzercise class was difficult.  I kept feeling lost, like I couldn't keep up with the moves, I was beet-red, super sweaty and I was probably the youngest person in that class.  I was 24 years old and I couldn't even keep up with the elderly Jazzercisers!  That was not who I wanted to be.  Long story short: Ryan and I joined the gym and have been members of Universal Athletic Club for almost one year.  I often go to group fitness classes and have found them to be the type of exercise I enjoy the most.

I still feel tired, almost every day, actually.  But it's not the same exhaustion that I used to feel.  Teaching music to kids in grades 6-12 is an incredibly rewarding, but demanding job.  So, some days I still do go home and lay on the couch.  I find that if I plan to stay at school a little later and then go straight to the gym, there's a better chance that I'll make it.  Once I'm home and I hit that couch, GAME OVER.  I'm done for the day.  So I try to make exercise a part of my schedule.  The fact that the classes I like are only offered at certain days and times puts a little more pressure on me to make it there.  I need the structure. 

As I have made the transition from a sedentary to an active lifestyle, I definitely feel the difference.  I feel better when I get to the gym than when I go home and crash on the couch for the night.  I realized that both can be just as important, sometimes you need a nap!  I have to be flexible with my exercise schedule because life happens and changes from week to week; but, overall, I feel happier and more energized when I have a regular exercise routine.  What's your exercise strategy?

1 comment:

  1. I find that I have to have a plan, too. Right now, my main forms of exercise are walking and yoga. Lining up walking dates, having a yoga class to go to, and just TELLING someone I'm going to practice yoga at home have helped me actually complete workouts. I find if I don't have those things, I'm much more likely to throw my plans out the window- even though I know I'll feel better afterward!
